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Hyundai Verna Basic AC Service

Hyundai Verna Basic AC Service

AC Inspection
AC Filter clean
Condenser clean
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Hyundai Verna AC Gas Top up

Hyundai Verna AC Gas Top up

AC Gas Top up
Basic AC Service
AC Leak Test
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Hyundai Verna Brake Pads Replace - Front

Hyundai Verna Brake Pads Replace - Front

Front Brake Pads - both tyres
Brake Pads Replacement Labour
Genuine Spares - Set of 4 Pads
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Hyundai Verna Brake Disc Replace - Front

Hyundai Verna Brake Disc Replace - Front

Front Brake Disc - both tyres
Brake Disc Replacement Labour
Genuine Spares - Set of 2 Discs
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Hyundai Verna Repair Quotes

Hyundai Verna Repair Quotes

Receive Quotes for all types of Major / Minor Repairs
Free Pickup & Drop of Vehicle (major repairs)
On Call resolutions and pricing discussion
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Hyundai Verna Motor Insurance Claim

Hyundai Verna Motor Insurance Claim

Get Cashless Motor Claims
Cashless facility from most insurance providers
Pitcrew team manages insurance claim process
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Hyundai Verna AC Service Cost Indore (Petrol)

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