vehicle repair workshop

Independent Workshop Mechanic VS Vehicle Repair Workshop, What is most Appropriate?

Owning a car implies getting your vehicle repair and vehicle service done time to time at a vehicle repair workshop. People wonder quite frequently.. what kind of car repair workshop should I use for vehicle repairs, an independent workshop mechanic or a car workshop? Independent workshop mechanics are regularly known as the genuine “auto folks” as they work[…]

Car Windshield

Car Windshield Replacement

It is just a stroke of misfortune and your car windscreen can get damaged. Stray stones thrown here and there are a common cause of broken windscreen or windscreen cracks. Windshield replacement costs a bomb, and therefore, many people continue to drive their vehicle until the windshield shatters. Do you know that if you have[…]

Car Needs

Winter is coming, the Care Your Car Needs?

When the temperature goes below freezing, vehicles suffers. Automobiles, similar to individuals, don’t work in cool climate. Frosty months mean always being tormented with fogged up lights, windows, and windshields, a hazardous condition in case you’re out. You’ve to clear all ice and snow from windshields and lights for a safer drive. Major car devices[…]

car mileage

How to measure car mileage?

India is a mileage conscious country. A frequent vehicle user is worried about-how much fuel their car utilize? A huge share of our month’s spending goes towards paying fuel costs for our vehicles. Hence, you need to ensure that your car fuel mileage is good. Thus, knowing how much fuel your vehicle uses and finding[…]

car insurance

How to claim car insurance?

Claiming car insurance has several procedures, which often change according to the insurance provider that you choose. However, most of the standards are the same and have a similar approach when a customer approaches for a claim. 1.  Types of insurance Car insurance is of the following basic types a.  Zero depreciation Car Insurance or[…]

Where is your engine oil going

Where is your engine oil going?

When an engine consumes oil, it is invariably assumed that costly car repairs are coming. Engine oil issues can come because of both internal and external leakages. An outer leakage might still be considered by a few professionals as relatively easy to deal with compared to an external leakage Engine Oil consumption / or reducing[…]

Engine warning lights

ECM/Engine warning lights

The (ECM) engine control module or alternately the engine control unit (ECU) is the most critical part found in every single modern vehicle. It basically works as the primary computer for a large number of the vehicle’s motor execution and drivability capacities. The ECM takes the data from the engine’s different sensors and utilizes that[…]

A teenage girl is broken down on the side of the road after car began to overheat

Signs of Car Overheating

What Is Overheating? Car Overheating is the phase at which the temperature of the engine increases to a point where mechanical harm can happen. Steam starts to originate from the engine zone, engine caution lights starts, and a temperature gauge spiking to the red zone are signs your vehicle might be overheated. Read out below[…]

Drive safety concept illustrated with man texting while driving

Are You Driving Safe

City driving is very stressful, particularly amid rush hour. Developing urban areas and rural areas have brought about an expansion in a number of individuals who utilize a car to get around. Driving is never risk-free; however, you should intend to drive ‘generally safe’. Following the given safety measures will undoubtedly make driving safe and[…]